Second Person Interactions in the Musical Practice of a Tango Duo
A tango duo is a social context favourable to musical practice to study the interaction between musicians and in particular, a type of one-to-one, direct and face-to-face interaction from the Second Person Perspective of mental attribution. An exploratory study was designed that consisted of the qualitative analysis of a conversation between the musicians of a duo (the first author as a participating researcher). From the thematic and content analysis, three categories emerged that describe Second Person attributions in the situated practice of tango. Two of them refer to basic modes of expressive communication mediated by the temporal intention of each one and the perception of the other in the performance. These modes are dependent on the reciprocal attributions of the intentional perception-action loop during musical practice. The third category showed the construction of an expressive normativity typical of the duo, achieved through a process of mutual attributions and adaptations of the expressive codes implicit in the interpretation of each one. Finally, we discuss the scope of this study to rethink and re signify the concepts of temporal regulation, the concertante roles and the performative style of knowing how to do tango.Downloads
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