The pedagogical approach in the teaching of the first language in Uruguay through some didactic reflections of the period 1940-1970

  • Juan Manuel Fustes
Keywords: theory of teaching, pedagogy, linguistics, language teaching


In this paper, we discuss a framework for the consideration of a theory of the language teaching based on the identification of a pedagogical approach that is seen in it as a circumstantial product. With the attention specifically focused on Uruguay during the period 1940–1970, the work analyses several texts written by linguists, philologists, school teachers and professors whose aim was to settle some practical and theoretical conditions to the teaching of the first language. In these texts we found, in particular, a pedagogical element, whose presence interfered with the reflection on the epistemic nature of language and with the relationship between speaker and language. 


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How to Cite
Fustes, J. M. (1). The pedagogical approach in the teaching of the first language in Uruguay through some didactic reflections of the period 1940-1970. Signo & Seña, (33), 51-69.
Dossier. Language as teaching content from a historical perspective