Research on Traditional Music in Times of "21st Century Socialism" in Venezuela

  • Katrin Lengwinat UNEARTE
Keywords: Venezuelan ethnomusicology, 21st century socialism, popular cultures, resilience


Venezuela has undergone radical changes in the last 20 years, both political-ideological changes and changes in cultural and educational policies that have left deep traces in the (ethno)musicological field. Two phases can be clearly distinguished. The first was led since 1999 by Hugo Chávez, whose orientations had a considerable impact on interest in popular cultures and the construction of values for a new liberating ideal. It was a phase of abundance and enthusiasm with many initiatives, but also of lack of tolerance among adversaries. The second phase has begun in 2013 with the death of Chávez and intends to follow his orientation, but the strangling international embargo and the attention of only a few priority areas prevent its realization. This time is characterized by enormous precariousness and unsuccessful attempts to make some achievements survive. However, new initiatives and productions are emerging that try to defend a minimum of continuity and activity, where the integration of opponents is accepted.


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How to Cite
Lengwinat, K. (2021). Research on Traditional Music in Times of "21st Century Socialism" in Venezuela. El oído Pensante, 9(1).