What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Music? Reports on a Listening Workshop

  • Jorge De La Barre Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Evelyn Christine da Silva Matos Universidade Federal Fluminense
Keywords: Circulation; symbolic boundaries; music; representation; meaning


This collective paper is a report of an “MP3 Workshop” experience held in the classroom during the first semester of 2018 in the Sociology of Music graduate course taught by Professor Jorge de La Barre (PPGS-UFF). The idea was for each student to bring and present to the class a song of their choice. The diversity of musical choices, suggested by the students’ reports, has been organized according to two thematic lines usually explored in music sociology: music and representation, and music and meaning.


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How to Cite
De La Barre, J., & da Silva Matos, E. C. (2020). What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Music? Reports on a Listening Workshop. El oído Pensante, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.34096/oidopensante.v8n2.8074