Imperialism, Aesthetics and Pedagogy in Guido Adler (1855-1941): A Challenge for the Musicology of the Present. Edition and Translation of Guido Adler’s Scope, Method and Aim of the Science of Music (1885)

  • Daniel Martín Sáez Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Musicology, Science, Aesthetics, Politics, Pedagogy


This article discusses the famous article by Guido Adler, “Scope, Method, and Objective of the Science of Music” (1885), which is considered the foundational theoretical document of musicology as a discipline, and presents the first edition and translation of the text in Spanish. It analyzes the historical, political, and philosophical significance of the text, focusing especially on the theoretical foundation of his approach. Especially, it analyzes his idea of music, defined as a tonal art that develops historically through various styles, embodied in scores and musical forms by multiple peoples and nations, which over time give rise to a science and an increasingly defined aesthetic reality, which would bring us closer to truth and beauty. Its intention is to incite reflection on the foundations of the discipline, for which Adler’s text remains a challenge.


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How to Cite
Martín Sáez, D. (2024). Imperialism, Aesthetics and Pedagogy in Guido Adler (1855-1941): A Challenge for the Musicology of the Present. Edition and Translation of Guido Adler’s Scope, Method and Aim of the Science of Music (1885). El oído Pensante, 12(1).