Musical Artistic Creations and Artificial Intelligence (2019-2022)

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, music, intellectual property, artistic creation, musical artistic creation


The aim of this research is to analyze how Artificial Intelligence was used in music artistic creation between the years 2019 and 2022. For this purpose, three key aspects were addressed: (i) describing the different uses of Artificial Intelligence in the musical domain, (ii) examining the advantages and disadvantages of its application, and (iii) comparing three specific cases of Artificial Intelligence implementation in music (Massive Attack, DeepBeat, These Lyrics Do Not Exist). A qualitative methodology was employed, involving an exhaustive review of scientific literature and a detailed analysis of primary sources related to the mentioned cases. Through this process, it was identified that Artificial Intelligence has been increasingly used in various musical aspects, encompassing composition, musical instruction, and recommendation, with a significant impact on the commercial sphere. Additionally, the use of Artificial Intelligence in music has demonstrated diverse advantages and disadvantages in areas such as convenience, creativity, autonomy, intellectual property, investment, technological development, flexibility, and musical writing. Furthermore, the detailed comparison of the three cases studied allowed for the identification of the scope and concrete applications of Deep Learning in the musical domain, showcasing its wide adoption and massive utilization in this field. An important aspect arising from this research is its contribution to the discussion on new scenarios and the development of policies and regulations in the realm of artistic creation involving Artificial Intelligence.


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Author Biographies

Jenny P. Lis Gutiérrez, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Doctora en Ingeniería – Industria y Organizaciones (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá-Colombia), Magister en Análisis de Problemas Políticos, Económicos e Internacionales (Universidad Externado e Instituto de Altos Estudios para el Desarrollo, Bogotá-Colombia. Tesis meritoria). Magister en «sociétés contemporaines comparées Europe – Amérique latine»(Université Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris, Francia), spécialité géographie, aménagement et urbanisme (Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine – IHEAL, Paris, Francia. Tesis meritoria), Especialista en Estadística Aplicada (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá-Colombia. Trabajo de grado laureada), Especialista en Evaluación y Formulación de Proyectos (IUD, Medellín, Colombia), Economista graduada con honores (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá-Colombia).
Jhonathan S. Pulido-Flórez, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Investigador en formación Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz y Bioecoval. 


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How to Cite
Lis Gutiérrez, J. P., & Pulido-Flórez, J. S. (2024). Musical Artistic Creations and Artificial Intelligence (2019-2022). El oído Pensante, 12(1).