Salsa Music: Identity, Dance and Demand

entre baile y reclamo

  • Nicolás Guevara Autor
Keywords: Salsa music, singing, justice, identity


The approach to social and political singing is generally limited to the created stereotype of singer-songwriters accompanied by a guitar, so common in Spain, the United States and, above all, in Latin America. For this reason, the present work approaches the power of singing as a discourse present in the most varied musical genres; likewise, it gives an account of the sociopolitical singing in the development of salsa music, even with orchestras that covered songs by Latin American singer-songwriters. In addition, it explores the demonstrations against the injustices present in the Cuban genres that served as antecedents of salsa and, finally, highlights the two most significant composers of this particular music of the 70s: Catalino “Tite” Curet Alonso and Rubén. Blades.


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How to Cite
Guevara, N. (2023). Salsa Music: Identity, Dance and Demand. El oído Pensante, 11(1).