Geography and changes in quality of life of argentines: a territorial perspective in the light of the 21st century

  • Guillermo Angel Velázquez
Keywords: quality of life, Argentina, departments / municipalities, index


Analysis of the quality of life requires the survey of significant variables, if we pursue a territorial perspective (their importance consists in its power to discriminate different situations). Mainly, we consider both the socioeconomic dimension (education, health and housing) and the environmental one (environmental problems and recreational resources). From this perspective, the comparative maps and tables clearly show that the situation of the argentine population, which had been poorly improved between 1991 and 2001, nevertheless had considerably progressed between 2001 and 2010; mainly in education and health dimensions. Territorial analysis, at departmental/communal level (525 units), reveals these eloquent advances in the territory, especially in the regions with the worst relative position. This is the first time we register this situation since the decade of the eighties until the present time. 


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How to Cite
Velázquez, G. A. (2019). Geography and changes in quality of life of argentines: a territorial perspective in the light of the 21st century. Punto Sur, (1), 104-121.
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