Reparar (n)o lugar através do cinema: como fazer do lugar-escola uma floresta?

  • Wenceslao Oliveira Unicamp


In an exercise of articulation during my path as a teaching researcher in recent years, I propose here three teaching gestures: to ask, experiment, repair. A fourth gesture would be to write. In it, I ask (myself) two questions: 1. What potency would experimentations with cinema in the school-place have with the purpose to invent another type of attention that allows repairing (in) the place? Considering that in Portuguese repair means either observe what is around us, pausing to watch, being attentive to the connections and alliances between humans and non-humans or repair what was broken down in our attention to the place. 2. What potency would the “concept” of forest, a whole living world, as it appears in the words of indigenous thinkers have in order to think about the cinematographic affections of the school-place? Articulating the forest to the concepts of place, by Doreen Massey, and living areas, by Fernand Deligny, I seek to point out how the pedagogy of devices proposed by filmmaker Cezar Migliorin functions in activating the life/vivacity of non-human trajectories/presences in the place as it breaks up the usual ways children and teachers make shootings. It requires that one pays attention to the surroundings and enables creation of unexpected images that might repair other connections and alliances between humans and non-humans.


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AUTOR. retirado para la evaluación del artículo.
AUTOR. retirado para la evaluación del artículo.
AUTOR. retirado para la evaluación del artículo.
AUTOR. retirado para la evaluación del artículo.
AUTOR. retirado para la evaluación del artículo.
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How to Cite
Oliveira, W. (2023). Reparar (n)o lugar através do cinema: como fazer do lugar-escola uma floresta?. Punto Sur, (9), 94-114.
Dossier 9. Geografía, alterpolítica y materialismo posthumano