Music and tourist heritage spaces. Between action and representation.

Review of Finn, J. (2022). Paisajes musicales del patrimonio y la memoria: investigando la construcción musical de lugar. Revista Punto Sur, 6, XX-XX.

  • Eduardo Neve Sensagora
Keywords: music, landscape, memory, heritage, sonic methods


John C. Finn has made a valuable contribution to the geographical study of musical processes in Spanish. In particular, he invites the reader to consider music in a tension between action and representation, and offers a methodological contribution that takes this dynamic into account. In this commentary I reflect on the central arguments of Finn's article to consider its scope and possibilities, as well as eventual limitations that can be complemented from other perspectives.


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How to Cite
Neve, E. (2022). Music and tourist heritage spaces. Between action and representation. Punto Sur, (6).
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