Teatro y Bicentenarios: Chile, Argentina, México y Colombia comparten festejos y dolores en el Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil

  • Pamela Brownell Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil, Chilean theatre, Latin American theatre, Bicentennial, Theatre History


This article focuses on the relation Theatre-Bicentennial on the grounds of an analysis of 2010s edition of the Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil, which included a section devoted to reviewing the history of Chilean theatre, the presentation of Pina Bauschs last piece (dedicated to Chile), and a selection of contemporary theatre from three countries that are also commemorating their Bicentennial this year: Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. Taking many of this works as example, it introduces some perspectives to reflect on the way that theatre positions itself regarding these two hundred years and how it puts them in question.


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How to Cite
Brownell, P. (2010). Teatro y Bicentenarios: Chile, Argentina, México y Colombia comparten festejos y dolores en el Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 6(11), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n11.9285
Teatro e instituciones