Teatro del siglo XXI: <i>Pared</i>, una experiencia multisensorial

  • Esther Raventós Pons
Keywords: Pascual, Pared, intermediality, gender violence, transdisciplinary


Itzial Pascual’s dramatic play Pared integrates music, visual arts, advertising and poetry to create an atmosphere full of connotations, alluding to the fear and paralysis of the main characters due to gender violence. In this paper, I discuss how the playwright goes beyond the traditional dramatic representation in this play, establishing co-relations between different media, in order to invite the viewer to become aware, to get involved, and not to close his/her eyes to violence. Moreover, intermediality allows for new dimensions of perception and experience, and promotes an analysis and interpretation that is transdisciplinary and multidimensional.


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How to Cite
Raventós Pons, E. (1). Teatro del siglo XXI: <i>Pared</i&gt;, una experiencia multisensorial. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 11(23), 180-192. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n23.2497