Real Games: Analysis and Method for Creating Interactive Dance in Domestic Contexts

  • Nicoletta Cappello University of Girona, Spain
Keywords: interactive dance, kinaesthesic imagination, embodied learning, intermedia performance, artistic research, Interactive dance performance, Kinesthetic imagination, Embodied learning, Artistic research


This essay is part of an artistic research project and a performance piece called Real Games: Performance Games for Everyday Life (2023), an interactive dance podcast, presented and archived on Radio Relativa, Madrid. The study adopts parallel theory, phenomenology, and performative writing in order to shed light on the methods used in the process of creating the piece in the context of the intermedial scene. The study pays special attention to imagination as a kinesthetic phenomenon and the role of physical perception in the participants’ experience of the Real Games. To conclude, the study provides a performance of its own: an event score for creating interactive dance scores for everyday environments.


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Author Biography

Nicoletta Cappello, University of Girona, Spain
Doctoral Researcher in Education at UniCT (IT) and in Arts and Education at UdG (ES) Visiting Doctoral Researcher UniArts Helsinki (FI) Artistic Director of El Público_ Performance + Participation
How to Cite
Cappello, N. (2024). Real Games: Analysis and Method for Creating Interactive Dance in Domestic Contexts. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (40).