Interrogativas alternativas en LSA: Una descripción preliminar

  • Soledad Sapei Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Escuela de Educación Especial N° 19 (Río Negro)
  • Belén Moretti Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Ana Ferreyra Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Keywords: alternative questions, Argetine Sign Language, interrogation, disjunction


The present work aims to make an initial description of the alternative interrogative constructions in Argentine Sign Language, a phenomenon that until now has not been addressed in the literature on this language. To this end, the general structural aspects, manual and non-manual, of this type of construction were investigated. We worked with a corpus made up of various sources: public YouTube videos, private conversations with Deaf people, interviews between Deaf people and data obtained from introspection and participant observation. The ELAN software was used for the analysis. It was observed that these constructions have a general structure of two coordinates and an interrogative form. From the analysis carried out, three possible forms of manifestation of alternative questions in LSA were identified: in the first one a manual disjunctive and an interrogative are used, in the second one a non-manual disjunctive and a manual interrogative appear, and in the third one both elements are expressed through non-manual features. Therefore, we can suggest that the manual disjunctive and interrogative components are not obligatory, but the non-manual features are. Finally, some variants of manual interrogative particles were identified.


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How to Cite
Sapei, S., Moretti, B., & Ferreyra, A. (2024). Interrogativas alternativas en LSA: Una descripción preliminar. Signo & Seña, (45).
Dossier. El habla visual: Treinta años de lingüística de la LSA en Signo y seña