¿Cómo aprendemos? Los cuatro pilares con los que la educación puede potenciar los talentos de nuestro cerebro

de Stanislas Dehaene

  • Julieta Fumagalli UBA-CONICET


How does the brain learn? The four pillars with which education can enhance the talents of our brains of Stanislas Dehaene was published in 2019 and translated into Spanish the same year. In this book, Dehaene explains how and why we learn and present different researches conducted mainly in the field of neurosciences, cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence and education in order to support the importance  of linking scientific research and education.  


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How to Cite
Fumagalli, J. (2021). ¿Cómo aprendemos? Los cuatro pilares con los que la educación puede potenciar los talentos de nuestro cerebro. Signo & Seña, (38). https://doi.org/10.34096/sys.n38.9907