The direct anaphoric object of 3rd person in Oberá-Misiones: a sociolinguistic view

  • Patricia de Ramos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Leonardo Lennertz Marcotulio Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: clitics, direct object, animacy, schooling, sociolinguistic


This article aims to present the distribution of strategies for the realization of Spanish third-person anaphoric direct object in terms of frequency of use. The speech sample is composed of 19 semi-directed interviews recorded in 2015 in Oberá-Misiones (Argentina). The quantitative analysis demonstrates that the strategy framework includes the lo(s)/la(s) pronouns, in addition to le(s) and morphological zero. The selection of the strategies in variation is mainly determined by the animacy of the referent and the schooling of the speaker. The investigation allows us to conclude that the observed strategy framework indicates a stable variation, once le(s) and zero are distributed following internal factors and, therefore, are not sensitive to the age of the informant.


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Author Biographies

Patricia de Ramos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Doctoranda y asistente de cátedra
Leonardo Lennertz Marcotulio , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Professor Adjunto de Língua Portuguesa (Letras Vernáculas)
How to Cite
Ramos, P. de, & Lennertz Marcotulio , L. (2021). The direct anaphoric object of 3rd person in Oberá-Misiones: a sociolinguistic view. Signo & Seña, (37), 71-91.