The teaching of lexicography in Normal Schools: the case of <i>Contestaciones sumarias a los programas de gramática castellana (Grado elemental)</i> (1898) by Cervera y Royo

  • Marta Torres Martínez
Keywords: linguistic ideas, teaching of lexicography, normal schools, 19th century


As García Folgado has already pointed out (in press), Antonio Cervera y Royo (1846–1906), a teacher of Normal Schools, was a very active professional of teaching with a great number of pedagogical publications in the press of the time. Among them, those intended to the linguistic training of teachers stand out, such as his Contestaciones sumarias a los programas de gramática castellana (Grado elemental)[Summary responses to the Spanish grammar programs (Elementary grade)] (1898), a work in which we will focus. The objective of this work is to analyze the contents that Cervera y Royo considered suitable for the training of teachers in the domain of language and, more specifically, within the field of lexicography, a subject that had not received much attention until that moment, but which our author introduced following the Study Program of 1898. Therefore, we will observe the linguistic ideas presented in the program elaborated by Cervera y Royo around the dictionary in the lesson 48 of the second course of his Contestaciones, entitled “Lexicografía y lexicología. Léxico: diccionario. Reglas para el uso del Diccionario de la Real Academia Española” [Lexicography and lexicology. Lexicon: dictionary. Rules for the use of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy]. 


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How to Cite
Torres Martínez, M. (1). The teaching of lexicography in Normal Schools: the case of <i>Contestaciones sumarias a los programas de gramática castellana (Grado elemental)</i&gt; (1898) by Cervera y Royo. Signo & Seña, (33), 70-80.
Dossier. Language as teaching content from a historical perspective