De la "pasión" a la "emoción": La construcción verbal (y social) de las emociones en español

  • Carmen Marimón Llorca
Keywords: emotions, vocabulary, dictionary, language, Spanich language


The aim of this paper is to analyze the lexicon through emotions are conceptualized in Spanish in Academic and nonacademic Dictionaries collected in the New Lexicographical Treasure. It’ll be taken into account the conceptual evolution of the hyperonymes passion and affection -present since the beginning of Spanish lexicography - and emotion - incorporated in the Spanish vocabulary much later-. It`ll be checked a) whether Dictionaries establish clear differences among the three concepts and b) if the changes in definitions respond to changes in knowledge and society. As a dictionary is always the product of categorization of social and individual reality, we`ll outline the “emotional scene” they provide at every moment so it’ll be possible linking verbal expression of emotions to social context. 


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How to Cite
Marimón Llorca, C. (1). De la "pasión" a la "emoción": La construcción verbal (y social) de las emociones en español. Signo & Seña, (29), 131-156.