The podcast Fear and delirium in Brasília and the aesthetics of chaos as a humor resource

  • Márcio Antonio Gatti UFSCar


This paper intends to analyze the humorous manifestations in the podcast Medo e delírio em Brasília, using the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis. The aim is to observe whether the chaotic podcast aesthetic is an element of humor production. The results of the analyzes show that this aesthetic configuration generates unusual effects, and it is argued that these effects are primarily responsible for promoting humor in the program. Additionally, it is argued that chaotic aesthetics, unusual effects and humor may be associated with the abundant intertextuality that necessitates an exercise in recognizing the interlocutor while revealing the interdiscursive functioning, thereby situating the language manifestations of the program within the Brazilian political spectrum.


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How to Cite
Gatti, M. A. (2023). The podcast Fear and delirium in Brasília and the aesthetics of chaos as a humor resource. Signo & Seña, (44).