Approach to the teaching of Italian at the University of Chile: a historical perspective

  • Claudia Flores Universidad de Chile
  • Soledad Chávez Fajardo
  • Ximena Tabilo
Keywords: Italian language, foreign language teaching, course programmes, Instituto Pedagógico, Universidad de Chile


In this article, the findings of a preliminary investigation are presented, which aim to account for some relevant aspects of the emergence and development of the teaching of Italian as a foreign language at Universidad de Chile until 1981. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out, at the same time, some written material was collected, and two interviews were conducted with two lecturers of the Italian teaching programme from the former Instituto Pedagógico, Universidad de Chile. On the one hand, the bibliographic review contributed to the description of the academic and historical context in which the teaching of Italian developed at Universidad de Chile. On the other hand, the documents and the interviews provided information about subjects, contents, methodologies and activities included in some specific course programmes. Likewise, evidence of the weakening and the subsequent full closure of the Italian language teaching programmes was found. This historiographical research work contributes to enhancing the knowledge of the Italian cultural presence in the country. At the same time, it highlights the University commitment to the study and dissemination of languages and cultures.


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How to Cite
Flores, C., Chávez Fajardo, S., & Tabilo, X. (2023). Approach to the teaching of Italian at the University of Chile: a historical perspective. Signo & Seña, (43).
Dossier. Lenguas de Italia como lenguas extranjeras para hispanohablantes