About a new list of categories. Transcendental issues around the modalities of comic inadequacy

  • Juan Alfonso Samaja FADU-UBA


This paper presents a conceptualization of reidero structure, assuming as a central hypothesis that the Kantian categories of Relation constitute a heuristic principle to formally group the diversity of the modalities in which the comic is manifested in particular, and the manifestation of the laughable in particular. general. Of the three emerging categories (problems of composition, proportion and transaction) the intermediate category will be emphasized, under the presumption that it would have played a structural principle in the expansion of comic forms.


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How to Cite
Samaja, J. A. (2023). About a new list of categories. Transcendental issues around the modalities of comic inadequacy. Signo & Seña, (44). https://doi.org/10.34096/sys.n44.12996