Evidential uses of pensar in Spanish language
Evidentiality is a linguistic category related to the source of information transmitted and also to how the speaker obtains this knowledge. Among the various means for its expression in the Spanish language, we propose to analyze and describe, based on Discourse Functional Grammar (GDF) (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008), on Hengeveld and Hattnher (2015) and García Velasco (2014), the evidential uses of pensar in the first person. The functional nature of the analysis leads us to work with a corpus of real linguistic occurrences, so we chose the Corpus del Español de Siglo XXI (CORPES XXI). For the quantitative analysis of the data, starting from 9 (nine) categories related to the Contextual Component and the Grammatical Component, we used the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The results pointed to a more introspective semantics of pensar, which presented uses related to inferential (83,1%), reportative (10,4%), and deductive (6,5%) evidentiality. Looking at their temporal behavior, we observed a tendency to the location in the past concerning the Representational Level subtypes.Downloads
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