The practices of coercive circulation of children in Argentina. Institutional frames, social hierarchies and rights

  • Carla Villalta Programa de Antropología Política y Jurídica, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET. Buenos Aires
  • Soledad Gesteira Programa de Antropología Política y Jurídica, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET. Buenos Aires
Keywords: Appropriation of children, Power networks, Activism, Identity, Rights


This article analyzes the social and institutional frames in which the «practices of coercive circulation of children» and the meanings that currently surround them were established. From the reconstruction of a case, that happened in 1976 in a spot of the Argentine Patagonia but only known in 2015, we are interested in problematizing the mechanisms that made possible the practices of forced transfer of children and their concealment over time. At the same time, we analyze the construction of a particular grid of intelligibility based on the right to identity as well as on the new meanings assigned to children. This grid, which allowed a suspicion to become first a public denunciation and later a judicial cause, was built using a categorical, institutional and activist repertoire related to human rights in Argentina that conferred specific local senses on the rights of children and girls


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Author Biographies

Carla Villalta, Programa de Antropología Política y Jurídica, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET. Buenos Aires
Carla Villalta es doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2006) y licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas (1999) por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Independiente en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
Soledad Gesteira, Programa de Antropología Política y Jurídica, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET. Buenos Aires
Soledad Gesteira es doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2016), Magíster en Antropología Social (2014) y profesora en Ciencias Antropológicas (2007) por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
How to Cite
Villalta, C., & Gesteira, S. (2019). The practices of coercive circulation of children in Argentina. Institutional frames, social hierarchies and rights. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 40(2).