"Who was the true sauvage in all of this?": the moral dimensions around the restitution of indigenous human remains
This article analyzes the moral dimensions that circulated around the case of the restitution of human remains of longko (chief) Inacayal and his family, who - after concluded the military campaigns in Patagonia - were taken prisoner and locked in the Museum of La Plata, becoming "objects of scientific study". The work intends to investigate the way in which certain indigenous agencies are considered legitimate and ethical for the hegemonic discourse, and others do not. Within this framework, when certain claims or practices overstep the "tolerable" hegemonically floors, the actions become incorrect, "exaggerated" and annoying for those who, on behalf of the defense of rights and claims of the native peoples - try to "work-around" to certain situations of inequality and injustice.Downloads
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