Segurança viária em rodovias inseridas em áreas urbanas

  • Cássio Leandro do Carmo Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
  • Archimedes Azevedo Raia Junior Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Urbana - Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Keywords: Road safety. Federal highways. Urban stretches. Urban areas.


This paper aims to investigate road safety on highways in urban areas, by verifying the prevalence of the conditions of road elements and socioeconomic in urban areas where highways are inserted in the occurrence of seriously injured or fatal victims in traffic accidents. For this, a case study on Brazilian federal highways is developed. From 2010 to 2014, 77,059 people died or were seriously injured as a result of crashes on Brazilian federal highways crossing urban areas. These highways were segmented every ten kilometers and the seriously injured or fatal victims was counted. In sixty-four most dangerous segments were verified the infrastructure conditions, using the “Pesquisa CNT de Rodovias” (CNT Survey of Highways). Solely 20,4% of these segments presented pavement, geometry and road signaling in appropriate conditions. A random sample of 118 stretches was made among those where there were victims. Classification of the urban centers and the general conditions of the highway were found, according to the criteria of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the National Confederation of Transport (CNT). It was found that the segments in large urban centers with high economic development and regular road infrastructure conditions had higher Prevalence Ratios (PR).


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How to Cite
do Carmo, C. L., & Azevedo Raia Junior, A. (2022). Segurança viária em rodovias inseridas em áreas urbanas. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (27).