Buscando a caminhabilidade: fatores que influenciam nos hábitos de caminhada em Palmas-TO

  • Lílian dos Santos Fontes Bracarense UFT
  • Leise de Oliveira
  • Ana Clara Carvalho Barbosa
  • Millena Marinho de Oliveira
  • Samuel de França Marques
Keywords: Walkability. Pedestrian. Land use. Urban Structure.


Good land-use planning and urban design related to the population density can promote active transport. In this context, this article aims to investigate the factors that influence walking, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis for Palmas, Tocantins. The factors were investigated by indicators from a functional perspective of the city and considering the perception of residents about the urban structure. Walking habits showed dependence with socioeconomic factors and with the pedestrian's perception of the urban structure, but not with the indicators used to characterize the urban structure, which proved to be relatively homogeneous in the city regions.  In relation to the diversity of uses, satisfaction with commercial establishments close to the residence is the most important factor of attractiveness to walking, corroborating the importance of considering the perspective of users' perception to promote walking. The identification of the socioeconomic and attractiveness factor for the promotion of walking helps in the development of public policies to encourage active transport.


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How to Cite
Bracarense, L. dos S. F., de Oliveira, L., Carvalho Barbosa, A. C., Marinho de Oliveira, M., & de França Marques, S. (2022). Buscando a caminhabilidade: fatores que influenciam nos hábitos de caminhada em Palmas-TO. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (26). https://doi.org/10.34096/rtt.i26.9520