The recent dynamics of maritime transport of cabotage and long distance in Brazil

  • Nelson Fernandes Felipe Junior
Keywords: sea transportation, circulation of capital, development, modernization


This article presents an analysis of cabotage and long course shipping in Brazil, considering the flows, modernizations, the importance of private and State logistics, as well pointing some restructuring of the port and maritime sector. Cabotage and long course transport is relevant to Brazilian economic development, to the flow of goods and essential to meet corporate and human demands. Encourages interregional and Brazilian interactions with other countries, intensifies networks and flows in space and realizes the articulation between producers and the market. There is a relative modernization of the Brazilian port and maritime sector, however, it presents several bottlenecks that damaging national economic growth. 


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How to Cite
Fernandes Felipe Junior, N. (2019). The recent dynamics of maritime transport of cabotage and long distance in Brazil. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (20), 33-65.