The effects of access to public transit on levels of employment in the Greater Buenos Aires Region: a linear regression model

  • Alejandro Yomal
Keywords: public transit, employment, unemployment, Buenos Aires, mobility


Approximately one out of four workers residing in Buenos Aires Province commute to Buenos Aires City each day. These commutes imply, on average, a longer and more costly trip for these workers compared to Buenos Aires City workers, who are employed within their district in 89% of the cases. By means of a linear regression model –built on data from the 2010 Population, Households and Housing National Census (CNPHyV 2010), data from the 2009-2010 Household Commutes Survey (ENMODO), and a multidimensional Public Transit Accessibility Index (IATP)– this study aims to infer that the level of accessibility of households to public transportation has significant incidence on unemployment rates at census tract level in the Greater Buenos Aires Region (RGBA). 


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How to Cite
Yomal, A. (1). The effects of access to public transit on levels of employment in the Greater Buenos Aires Region: a linear regression model. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (18), 246-263.