Villazón Avenue: The evolution of a road and its impact on the living space of two witnesses

  • Carola Zenteno Saavedra
Keywords: road, mobility, evolution, social relationships


José is a man of about 80 years who has spent more than half of his life going back and forth along Villazón avenue or Sacaba road. If we understand the territory as a palimpsest composed of interlocking historical layers, rugosity by the transit and accumulated footprints, we will understand the importance of visualizing the evolution of this road traveled by José and his wife over the years. The article has its focus of debate on the road of Villazón avenue. Recovering the memories and stories wont only tell us about the people who walked and is walking this road; but it will show us the traces that have been superimposed on the road and their evolution. “Now you can take some mobility and arrive in 10 minutes to the city”, recognizes this couple who has seen the evolution of the road. It is perceived a transformation of the way and at the same time an evolution in the life of the people: Its walk on foot, the hierarchization of the illuminated and wider road, over narrow and even unsafe streets. Similarly, the flows are greater, trade is spreading along this road. 


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How to Cite
Zenteno Saavedra, C. (1). Villazón Avenue: The evolution of a road and its impact on the living space of two witnesses. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (18), 156-187.