Ports of Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires: parallels and differences

  • Juliana Oakim Sandra Oakim Costa Bandeira de Mello
  • Cezar Honorato Professor Catedrático de História Econômica e Social do Instituto de História da Universidade Federal Fluminense
Keywords: Rio de Janeiro, ports, Buenos Aires, urban plans


Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires are cities founded as ports for shipping production from the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Both cities, at a given moment, and largely due to the importance of a port city in the face of the mechanism of colonialism, became capitals.   Furthermore, both cities experienced the implantation of the capitalist industrial port at the turn of the 20th century, as well as experienced its decline in the mid-1960s with the modernization of technology and the consequent obsolescence of facilities built decades earlier – a process shared with several ports around the world.   Both in Buenos Aires and in Rio de Janeiro, policies to revitalize the old port areas were debated in the midst of the redemocratization process with the end of the Latin American dictatorships. However, it is at this moment that the paths, which were largely parallel, differ. Puerto Madero became an important reference for revitalization in the 1990s, despite its successes and failures. Rio de Janeiro, on the other hand, would take another two decades to start a still incipient process of revitalizing its old port area.   It is these parallels and differences that this article explores.


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Author Biography

Cezar Honorato, Professor Catedrático de História Econômica e Social do Instituto de História da Universidade Federal Fluminense
Professor in Economic and Social History at the Institute of History at UFF, he holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Fluminense Federal University (1983), a Master's degree in History from the Fluminense Federal University (1987) and a PhD in Economic History from the University of São Paulo (1994) . Currently Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense Leader of the Research Group BRAZIL AND THE ATLANTIC WORLD: PORTS, BUSINESS AND CITIES, Deputy Coordinator of the INTERNATIONAL PROJECT COMPANIES, PUERTOS Y CITIES (SPAIN/CUBA/BRAZIL) - www.estudiosatlanticos.com - and Member from the Polis Research Group ? Economic and Social History Laboratory - Forum of Rio de Janeiro, Coordinator of the International Project Companies, Ports and Cities (Spain/Cuba/Brazil), President of the Urban Observatory of the State of Rio de Janeiro, international consultant - Habitat Organization of the United Nations Regional Office For Latin America and UNDP, Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, - Historia e Economia magazine, - Analecta (UNICENTRO), - INTERCIENCIA - REVISTA DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE AMERICA, - Rio de Janeiro Magazine, - Em Pauta (Rio De Janeiro) ), - Journal of Political Economy and Economic History (São Paulo). Has experience in the area of ​​Political Science, with emphasis on Public Policies, working mainly on the following subjects: , economic history, urban and industrial history and Port History.
How to Cite
Oakim, J., & Honorato, C. (2023). Ports of Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires: parallels and differences. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (29), 75-91. https://doi.org/10.34096/rtt.i29.12648