Movilidad residencia-trabajo y capital espacial en distintos estratos socioeconómicos de la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán
ABSTRACT This research is a comparative analysis of residence-work mobility in terms of spatial capital, as an attribute of the territory and of the individual. Based on the dimensions of spatial capital, proposed by J. Lévy (1994), this study explored the mobility of workers in four sectors of the city of Mérida, Yucatán. The importance of the theme lies in the fact that the spatial domain of the economic market is presented as a capital, distributed unequally, it is a precarious element between social groups and the spatial mobility of people is constituted in relation to the circumstances of capital. spatial, but producing its own inequalities. To carry out this analysis, an origin-destination survey was conducted, as well as georeference data from the work centers and the transportation system, using Google Earth and Arc Map 10.5 softwares. The results show that the inhabitants of the southern periphery are in inequality of spatial capital and position and are exacerbated because they had lower incomes and less mobile resources. Keywords: Spatial capital. mobility. trips. transportation. workplace.Downloads
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How to Cite
Torales Herrera, B., & Torres Góngora, B. del S. (2024). Movilidad residencia-trabajo y capital espacial en distintos estratos socioeconómicos de la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán . Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (30), 66-95. Retrieved from