Recent changes in passenger traffic in Spanish airports: significant modifications in an unfavorable economic context

  • José María Serrano Martínez
  • Ramón García Marín
Keywords: Air transport, passengers traffic, territorial organization, economic crisis, Spain


The rapid development of air transportation in Spain has been one of the most characteristic elements of the recent evolution of the Spanish transportation system. An increase in passenger traffic occurred in the context of an economic boom and the deregulation and liberalization of the air transportation market. However, after several years of economic and financial crisis, there has been a sharp decline in the movement of passengers, mainly caused by the weakness of internal and domestic traffic. Nevertheless, due to a complex and complicated market in terms of spatial organization, decreases in traffic have affected different airports to a different extent. The main objective of this research has been to analyze the scope of the decline in air traffic passengers and its causes, effects and consequences, for the whole of the Spanish territory as well as in the different centers of the airport system. 


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Author Biographies

José María Serrano Martínez
(1950, Granada, España). Licenciado en Letras (Geografía), Derecho y Ciencias Económicas. Doctorado en 1982 con una tesis acerca de la Red urbana de Murcia. Desde ese año presta sus servicios en la Universidad de Murcia. Actualmente ejerce como Catedrático de Análisis Geográfico Regional. Una de sus líneas básicas de investigación se centra en el estudio de los transportes y el territorio. Ha sido profesor invitado y profesor visitante en varias universidades europeas y americanas (Caen, Lyon, Ginebra, Utrecht, Würzburg, Turin, Uppsala, Trieste, Leicester, Trinity College-Dublin, Laval de Quebec, USP-São Paulo, etc.). 
Ramón García Marín
1980, Murcia, España). Doctor en Geografía (Universidad de Murcia, 2008). Actualmente Profesor Contratado Doctor en el Departamento de Geografía de la Universidad de Murcia. Investigador posdoctoral en la Universidad de Málaga (2009) y Profesor Titular Interino en la Universidad de Extremadura (2010). También ha sido profesor invitado en las Universidades Federal do Rio Grande Do Norte, Brasília, Federal de Goiás y Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), así como en la Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). 
How to Cite
Serrano Martínez, J. M., & García Marín, R. (1). Recent changes in passenger traffic in Spanish airports: significant modifications in an unfavorable economic context. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (12), 127-149.