Journal's Presentation

  • María Mercedes Bergadá Director of the Section of Studies of Medieval Philosophy of the FFyL
Keywords: Patristica et Mediaevalia


When exactly five years ago we presented the first volume of Patristica et Mediaevalia, we prudently defined it as an aperiodic publication that intended to published investigations developed at this Section of Studies of Medieval Philosophy or eventually at other institutions by researchers who here dedicate their efforts to the study of the Philosophical thought of the Greek and Latin Fathers, or of Medieval scholasticism. This caution turned out to be justified, unfortunately much more than we would have wished. However, from now on the perspectives are better and we hope fundamentally that volume III can appear next year. Our most sincere thanks to the publications that, during these five years, understood this process and did not interrupt the on going exchanges.


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How to Cite
Bergadá, M. M. (1981). Journal’s Presentation. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 2. Retrieved from