Aristotelica et Lulliana (a Volume of Homage to Charles h. Lohr in his 70th Birthday)

  • Francisco Bertelloni Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Review, Charles H. Lohr


Review of the following volume: Aristotelica et Lulliana magistro doctissimo Charles H. Lohr septuagesimum annum feliciter agenti dedicata (ediderunt Fernando Domínguez, Ruedi Imbach, Theodor Pindl et Peter Walter), MCMXCV, Steenbrugis, In Abbatia S. Petri, Martinus Nijhoff International, The Hague, IX, 598 pp. (Instrumenta Patristica XXVI).


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How to Cite
Bertelloni, F. (1995). Aristotelica et Lulliana (a Volume of Homage to Charles h. Lohr in his 70th Birthday). Patristica Et Mediævalia, 16, 73-76. Retrieved from
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