The anti-imperialism in John Quidort’s Tractatus de regia potestate et papali

  • Antonio Tursi Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Empire, Political Philosophy, Church, Law, Kingdom


We analyze two kinds of arguments against empire in the Tractatus of John of Paris: ‘de iure’ or theoretical arguments, based upon ‘ius divinum’ and upon ‘ius naturale’; and ‘de facto’ or historical arguments based upon the chronicles and historical traditions. In the former type of arguments, individual states are opposed to universal Church to exclude all possibility of an Empire like the Roman. In the later type of arguments, kingdom is used specifically for France and is opposed to the universal Church, and thus to the Pope, equated with the emperor.


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How to Cite
Tursi, A. (1995). The anti-imperialism in John Quidort’s Tractatus de regia potestate et papali. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 16, 33-44. Retrieved from

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