From Politics as ‘scientia legislativa’ to the Political ‘secundum naturam’ (Albert the Great’s Reception of Aristotle’s Politics)

  • Francisco Bertelloni Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: 12th Century, Political Philosophy, Aristotelian Reception, Middle Ages, Albert the Great


This paper deals with Albert’s reception of Aristotle’s Politics. Firstly, it analyzes the notion of ‘politics’ within the context of the division of the philosophia moralis in ethica, oeconomica and politica in the divisiones philosophiae between 1230 and 1250, in which dominates a legal conception of politics. Secondly, it follows Albert’s dependency on this political conception. Thirdly, an attempt is made to demonstrate that Albert overcomes this legal conception of politics by reading Aristotle’s Politics.


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How to Cite
Bertelloni, F. (1991). From Politics as ‘scientia legislativa’ to the Political ‘secundum naturam’ (Albert the Great’s Reception of Aristotle’s Politics). Patristica Et Mediævalia, 12, 3-32. Retrieved from

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