The Word as a Therapeutic Instance of Acedia in Evagrius Ponticus. Psalmody in front of the Logismós of the Incuria
Evagrius Ponticus is one of the first great organizers of Christian spirituality and, therefore, of great importance in various anthropological and spirituality developments in the Middle Ages. The topic of acedia is an example of this. The present work examines this Evagrian conception of acedia according to some hermeneutical keys given by two important scholars of the Ponticus’ thought. After clarifying the concept of acedia, the article advances in the elucidation of the resource of the word as a therapeutic instance, mainly of the word of Psalmody. The acedia is, consecutively, incuria or carelessness, tempting λογισμός and passionate overflow, which impel to abandon the life of the spirit. Against the acedia the word of Psalmody stands as an important therapeutic resource to quiet passions, refute thoughts and restore hope.Downloads
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