An Approach to Heirico of Auxerre’s Eriugenism

  • Juan De Gennaro Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Reception, Tradition, Eriugena, Heirico de Auxerre


The question of Heirico de Auxerre’s eriugenism, a common place in research into the work of the Auxerense, could be approached from two complementary perspectives. On the one hand, the historical approach, which aims to settle the question on the basis of the probable or improbable personal contact between Eriugena and Heirico de Auxerre; on the other hand, the textual approach, which addresses the problem by examining the Eriugenian elements that could be traced in the writings of the monk of Auxerre.


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How to Cite
De Gennaro, J. (1988). An Approach to Heirico of Auxerre’s Eriugenism. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 9, 99-104. Retrieved from
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