Approaches to the Doctrine of the Original Sin in Anselm of Canterbury (II): Synchronic Reading of De conceptu virginali

  • Eduardo Briancesco Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Anselm, Original Sin, Diachronic Mode, Synchronic Mode


This second part of the article completes the general interpretation of the DCV by subjecting the text to a synchronic reading. Result: from a tripartite structure, conceived by a diachronic (or successive) reading centered on the problem of the gravity of original sin, we pass here to a bipartite structure highlighted by the synchronic (or simultaneous) reading, led from the one who is the reason for the existence of all the aspects foreseen in the text: the man-God or the second Adam of whom the Cur Deus homo speaks. This new reading, more fundamental than the previous one, clearly shows why Anselmo has given his title –double and unique– to the present work: “De conceptu virginali et de originali peccato”. [To see the first part: vol. 4/5 (1983-1984)]


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How to Cite
Briancesco, E. (1985). Approaches to the Doctrine of the Original Sin in Anselm of Canterbury (II): Synchronic Reading of De conceptu virginali. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 6, 43-55. Retrieved from