Precedents and Augustinian Innovation on the Notion of “pondus”

  • Silvia Magnavacca Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Augustine, Pondus, Transcendental, Aristotle


The article begins by analyzing the possible background of the Augustinian notion of pondus. The text of Sap. 11:21 is proposed as the most probable, on the biblical side; on the side of Greek culture, the Aristotelian notions of pondus, as they appear in De Caelo IV. Immediately, it tries to show the innovation that St. Augustine introduces in this concept, based on the mentioned antecedents; according to the doctor of Hippo, the pondus becomes a transcendental one. Finally, after indicating in the Augustinian works a probable ambivalence of this word, the main notes from which its importance is derived are marked.


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How to Cite
Magnavacca, S. (1985). Precedents and Augustinian Innovation on the Notion of “pondus”. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 6, 3-18. Retrieved from