The presence of Augustine in the first pages of the De dignitate hominis of Pico della Mirandola

  • Silvia Magnavacca Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Pico della Mirandola, Medieval Tradition, Renaissance, Augustine, Freedom


The article begins establishing that we believe that Pico della Mirandola is an author that can perfectly be framed in the Medieval tradition, especially in the Patristic one. It is from this perspective that the first pages of the Oratio de dignitate hominis are analysed. Immediately, we try to show that, in these pages, Pico’s thesis, so celebrated in the field of human freedom, has a precedent in the doctrine of love as St. Augustine’s pondus. Finally, and on this basis, we present our hesitation to understand the Discourse as the manifesto of the Renaissance.


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How to Cite
Magnavacca, S. (1984). The presence of Augustine in the first pages of the De dignitate hominis of Pico della Mirandola. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 4, 23-44. Retrieved from