An Hermeneutic Approach to the "Iubilus" Attributed to Saint Bernard

  • Eduardo Briancesco Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Iubilus, Theology, Poetry, Prayer, Hermeneutics


Remarkable readings of the “Iubilus” of Saint Bernard have been proposed in the past, both from a doctrinal (Gilson) and literary (Dom Wilmart) point of view. We offer here an hermeneutic approach based on a rather “hybrid” version (Wilmart dixit) but of large range in the history of the Catholic liturgy. The result seems conclusive: the richness of the text decisively explodes showing the unity of theology, poetry and prayer. In addition, it allows drawing hypothetic but suggestive conclusions about the possibility of resuming the problem of the historical sources of the Hymn.


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How to Cite
Briancesco, E. (1996). An Hermeneutic Approach to the "Iubilus" Attributed to Saint Bernard. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 17, 49-58. Retrieved from