From Medieval Aristotelism to Renaissance Aristotelism. The Transformation of Aristotle's Division of Speculative Sciences in the 16th Century

  • Charles H. Lohr Raymundus Lullus-Institut
Keywords: Medieval aristotelism, Renaissance aristotelism, speculative sciences, Scholastic, 16th century


The Aristotelianism of the period 1450-1650 presents a picture which differs radically from the university philosophy of the Middle Ages. The revolt against Scholasticism which took place during this period was basically part of a struggle between the old established clerical class and new lay attitudes to philosophy. Scholastic Aristotelianism had offered a hierarchically unified world-view, but by the 16th century this unity had broken down, so that we must speak in this period not of one, but of several Aristotelianisms.


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How to Cite
Lohr, C. H. (1996). From Medieval Aristotelism to Renaissance Aristotelism. The Transformation of Aristotle’s Division of Speculative Sciences in the 16th Century. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 17, 3-15. Retrieved from