The Acces to God and The Proof of His Existence. A Dialogue Between M. Henry and Anselm of Canterbury

  • Ricardo Oscar Díez Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: God, Ontological argument, Anselm, M. Henry


The intention of this note is to put into dialogue two thinkers who make use of philosophy to give reasons for their faith. The first is Michel Henry, whose book C'est moi la Vérité is subtitled Pour une philosophie du christianisme. The second is St. Anselm de Cantorbery, who in recommending his book Cur Deus homo to Pope Urban II writes: "... Towards the reason that examines these things that we believe ... in something I strive to bring about". Although a novel use of philosophy stands out in these thinkers, my interest is going to focus on deepening certain interpretations that seem to distance them. I will address two objections that the contemporary author makes to the medieval one: the possibility of an access to God and the proof of his existence.


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How to Cite
Díez, R. O. (1998). The Acces to God and The Proof of His Existence. A Dialogue Between M. Henry and Anselm of Canterbury. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 19, 65-70. Retrieved from
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