Late Middle Ages and Humanists Scholar Glosses to the Consolatio

  • Antonio Tursi Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Glosses, Middle Ages, Humanism, Consolatio


Glosses are not a literary genre. Rather, their name responds to a geographical criterion. The marginalia are not notes. They have neither the complexion nor the purpose of a notation. E. Poe says that what gives them value is precisely their lack of purpose. The reader needs to unload the weight of a thought at the precise moment he or she reads a certain passage. This, added to the reduced space, makes the marginalia have the audacity of the first intention and the correctness of the conciseness. The marginalia need the text as a pretext for its composition and, at the same time, context for its intelligibility. Without context, the marginalia are fragile to understand.


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Black, R. & Pomaro, G. (2000). La Consolazione della Filosofia nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento italiano, Libri di scuola e glosse nei manoscritti fiorentini / Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy in Italian Medieval and Renaissance Education, Schoolbooks and their Glosses in Florentine Manuscripts. Firenze: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo (biblioteche e Archivi 7).

How to Cite
Tursi, A. (2003). Late Middle Ages and Humanists Scholar Glosses to the Consolatio. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 24, 91-95. Retrieved from
Critical Notes