Theological Sources of the Breviloquium of Thomas Basin

  • Luis Narvaja SJ Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen (Frankfurt)
Keywords: Thomas Basin, Autobiography, Pilgrimage, Humanism, Theolohy


The Breviloquium, last work of Thomas Basin (Bishop of Lisieux, also bestowed as archbishop of Caesarea of Palestine by Pope Sixtus IV in 1474), summarizes the Bishop's life in the form of a pilgrimage, echoing chapter 33 of the Book of Numbers in which the pilgrimage of the Israelites in the desert is described. Basin's writings had already received attention from scholars due to his humanist contributions on 15th Century French history. The present edition, which includes the full text of the Breviloquium, also offers a theological analysis of the work, focusing on the description of the religious framework within which the author displays his own autobiography. The edition also examines the sources quoted by Basin, mainly the Bible and the Fathers of the Church, and analyses the Bishop's treatment of the Scriptures and tradition.


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Berschin, W. (1986-2004). Biographie und Epochenstil im lateinischen Mittelalter, 5 vols. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag.

Maurice, A. (1953). Un grand patriote, Thomas Basin: évêque de Lisieux, sa vie et ses écrits, sa famille, sa maison natale. Dieppe: Vigie de Dieppe.

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Samaran, Ch. (1974). Un ennemi de Louis XI. Thomas Basin et son apologie. Journal des Savants, 2, 128-132.

Samaran, Ch. & Vernet, A. (1976). Les livres de Thomas Basin (1412-1490). Latomus - Revue d’études laines 145 “Hommages á André Boutem, 324-339.

Spencer, M. (1997). Thomas Basin (1412-1490), The History of Charles VII and Louis XI. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers.

How to Cite
Narvaja SJ, L. (2009). Theological Sources of the Breviloquium of Thomas Basin. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 30, 3-27. Retrieved from