To Caesar what is Caesar's. Two Interpretations on Temporal Power: Hugh of Saint Victor and Aegidius Romanus

  • Pedro Roche Arnas Universidad de Alcalá
Keywords: Temporal power, Spiritual power, Sovereignty, Political theory, Aegidius Romanus


Aegidius Romanus is a prominent author within several theoreticians on the relationship between Temporal & Spiritual Power in Christian Medieval Theocratic Thought. However, in the process leading to his work (early XIV Century) some relevant antecedents can be found: Hugh of Saint Victor anticipated in the XII Century the main tenets of Aegidius' Political and Theological view, while Augustine of Hippo (early V Century), and Pope Gelasius I (late V Century) also held doctrines present in Aegidius' work. This paper presents the incipient Division of Powers in the V Century, the subordination of Temporal Power to the Spiritual one in Hugh of Saint Victor, and the radical submission of the Temporal Power to the Churchly Might in Aegidius.


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How to Cite
Roche Arnas, P. (2010). To Caesar what is Caesar’s. Two Interpretations on Temporal Power: Hugh of Saint Victor and Aegidius Romanus. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 31, 43-63. Retrieved from