Nicholas of Cusa on the Marginal Notes to Confessiones: Codex Cusanus 34

  • Alexia Schmitt Universidad del Salvador; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Nicholas of Cues, Augustine, Visio Dei, Human mind, Goodness


From the marginal notes of Nicholas of Cusa to Codex Cusanus 34, which contains the Confessiones of Augustine, we can infer some of the reasons why Cusanus considers Augustine a Platonic: due to his exegesis of the Prologue to the Gospel of John, his assimilation of the “platonic books”, and the way towards truth, which Augustine proposed: from what is exterior to the human mind, to its interior and above it. Nicholas also finds an anticipation of these two points of his doctrine of the vision of God in the goodness of the creatures, God seeing is God creating. Cusanus takes to its last consequences this Augustinian doctrine with the formula “Sis tu tuus, et Ego ero tuus”: God is present in the interior of man, because every man finds his perfection in Jesus.


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How to Cite
Schmitt, A. (2016). Nicholas of Cusa on the Marginal Notes to Confessiones: Codex Cusanus 34. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 37, 3-14. Retrieved from