The Third Signification of the Universal Names in the 'Logica Ingredientibus: super Porphyrum' of Abelard

  • Claude Lafleur Université Laval
  • Joanne Carrier Université du Québec


This article insists on the correct interpretation of the phrase “tertia nominum significatio”, namely “third signification of the names”, in Abelard’s Logica “Ingredientibus”: Super Porphyrium (= LISPor), § 60. To do so in context, an analysis of LlSPor, § 45-60 shows that for Abelard the universal names (nomina universalia) have three significations: 1. The realities (they nominate); 2. The intellections (they constitute); 3. The conceived common forms (at which these intellections, as intentional actions of the soul, are directed).


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How to Cite
Lafleur, C., & Carrier, J. (2018). The Third Signification of the Universal Names in the ’Logica Ingredientibus: super Porphyrum’ of Abelard. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 39, 5-14. Retrieved from