The Correspondence between the Part of the Vestige of the Holy Trinity and the Sap 11:21 Triad in John Duns Scotus’ Work

Keywords: essence, relation, holy trinity, vestige


The biblical text of Sap 11:21 has had a notable influence on the history of Medieval Philosophy. An interesting example of its importance for the theological speculation of that time can be found in the doctrine of the vestige of the Holy Trinity, which Augustine conceive as a triple correspondence between God and creature. During the 13th and 14th centuries, this doctrine will become crucial in the context of the debate on the status of creatural essences, as well as on the issue of the relation between God and creature. The theory of John Duns Scotus will be examined in depth because of its originality in relation to the Augustinian tradition and the doctrines of Scotus’ contemporaries.


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How to Cite
Falà, J. F. (2019). The Correspondence between the Part of the Vestige of the Holy Trinity and the Sap 11:21 Triad in John Duns Scotus’ Work. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 40(1), 37-69.